Sabtu, 19 Mei 2012

Suatu Pagi di daerah Puncak

Video ini diambil pagi hari tgl 23 Oktober 2010.
 Aku berangkat ke Puncak Bogor tgl 22 Oktober 2010 jam 23.00 malam bersama si kecil Aisha dan adik laki-lakiku Harry Fajri Sani(Aji) naik motor. Perjalanannya cukup lancar(Padahal MalMing mungkin krn udah malam) walau terkadang hujan gerimis sempat turun yang membuat kami harus menepi dulu untuk memakai jas hujan. Aisha duduk di tengah antara aku dan Aji biar dia ngga kedinginan. Selama perjalanan dia tenang sekali, mungkin karena sudah malam jadi Aisha tidur terus.

Di Perempatan Ciawi tiba-tiba kami disuruh menepi oleh seorang polisi. Polisi itu memeriksa kelengkapan surat-surat kami. Untung saja pas yg nyetir si Aji yang udah punya SIM C, coba kalau pas aku yang nyetir pasti kena denda tilang soalnya aku ngga punya SIM C...hehehe.

Sampai di Puncak sekitar jam 2 pagi. Kami berhenti di masjid AT Ta'awwun yang ada di Puncak. Waah, ternyata di Masjid banyak sekali orang yang mungkin berniat sama dengan kami yaitu untuk liburan di Puncak. Orang-orang yang berjualan di halaman masjidnya pun belum menutup dagangannya. Aku memarkir motorku di Parkiran kemudian kami masuk ke dalam masjidnya.

BTW baru kali ini aku masuk ke masjid ini walaupun sudah sering melewati masjid Atta'awwun tapi ya gitu lewat doang. Ketika memasuki mesjidnya kita harus melepas alas kaki kita dan menitipkannya ke penitipan sepatu atau sandal di situ. Pas mau masuk ke masjidnya juga kita harus nyemplung ke air dulu soalnya jalan masuknya berupa kolam. mungkin maksudnya agar masjid tetap terjaga kebersihannya karena dengan melewati kolam itu kaki kita jadi bersih...hihihi. Masya Allah pas nyemplung dingiiin banget airnya...namanya juga di gunung ya pasti udaranya dingin apalagi airnya.....brrrr.

Tiba-tiba hujan turun dengan lebatnya. Alhamdulillah kami sudah sampai, coba kalau masih di jalan,kalau hujannya selebat ini mungkin sulit untuk meneruskan perjalanannya. Tadinya kami berniat mencari penginapan yang murah untuk tidur tapi berhubung hujan terus akhirnya kami putuskan untuk beristirahat di dalam masjid aja. Kami sholat malam. Khusyuk amat sangat ku rasakan ketika sholat..entah kenapa rasanya hati sangatlah damai sampai-sampai tak terasa menetes air mata ini.

Selesai shalat rasa kantuk mulai menyerang. berhubung ngga bawa alas tidur akhirnya memakai alas seadanya yang berupa jaket. Untungnya aku pake jaket 2 lapis jd yg satu bisa dibuat alas Aisha untuk bobo. Kami akhirnya tertidur karena lelah.
Ketika Azan shubuh berkumandang, kami terbangun dan lalu kami berwudlu dan ikut shalat shubuh berjamaah. Selesai shalat sambil menunggu hari terang aku dan adikku ngobrol ngalor ngidul sambil ngemil cemilan yang ku bawa(bawa stok cemilan banyak nih..hehe).

Ketika sudah terang baru deh kita keluar masjid. Subhanallah...indah sekali pemandangan daerah Puncak ketika pagi hari, udaranya dingin dan sejuk sekali. Ngga bosen-bosen melihat hijaunya perkebunan teh.
Ngga lupa kita berfoto-foto ria dan membuat rekaman video ini  

Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


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Relaxing Essential Oils Used In Aromatherapy

Explore the world of aromatherapy and find your innermost self. Check out the thousands of aromatherapy recipes and blends to find which ones suit you, your needs and work best for you.

You can use the power of aromatherapy in a number of different ways. You can massage the oils into your skin. People find inhaling the soothing aromas by either burning candles or using a diffuser helps to change their mood and relax.

If you like the thought of a massage, you will need to add the essential oils to a carrier or base oil. Each carrier oil has its own unique properties and tends to be used for different skin types and conditions. If you have sensitive skin, or are prone to acne, using a gentle oil such as Grapeseed oil is good for your condition. If you have a more challenging skin condition such as eczema, using Almond, Evening Primrose, Olive or Jojoba oils would be a better choice. If you have scars using Calendula oil is great, while Comfrey or Rosemary oils are good for stings, burns cuts and grazes.

For a full body massage you will need about 1-2 ounces of carrier oil. The recommended measure of essential oil is 1-2 drops per teaspoon of carrier oil; using any more than this or using it neat can burn your skin.

There are many recipes for you to discover, deciding what results you want to achieve and how you want to achieve them is the key to selecting the right recipe for you. Most recipes can be used either in the bath, in a diffuser or for a massage, whichever is your preference. If you stick to the general methods for mixing your oils, then you'll be OK and you'll achieve the results you're aiming for.

For the bath:
Use 2 ounces carrier oil to 15-20 drops essential oils. Mix the oils together and store in an amber coloured bottle (to minimise the evaporation of the essential oils and to stop the oils degrading over time).

For a massage:
Use 1 ounce of carrier oil mixed with 8-10 drops essential oils. Mix well and store in an amber coloured bottle.

For use in a diffuser:
Follow the instructions for your diffuser, but remember to use a maximum of 20 drops of essential oils.

For use as an air freshener:
Mix together 30-40 drops of essential oils with 1.5 ounces of distilled water and 1.5 ounces of high-proof alcohol, for example vodka (using alcohol is optional and you could use just water, but you will find the aroma lasts longer with the alcohol).

You can change your mood by using different blends of oils. A basic uplifting blend uses 2 drops of Basil oil, 1 drop of Cyprus oil and 1 drop of Grapefruit oil. Once you've mixed these together thoroughly you can add the blend to your diffuser for a great uplifting aroma.

A good blend to help with insomnia uses 10 drops of Chamomile oil, 5 drops of Clary Sage oil, and 4 drops of Bergamot oil. Mix the oils together thoroughly and store in an amber coloured bottle. You can then put 1-2 drops of your blend onto a tissue and place this inside your pillow case before going to bed to help you enjoy an uninterrupted night's sleep. You could also use the same blend in your diffuser an hour or so before going to bed, helping you to prepare for a good night's sleep.

Aromatherapy offers a great, natural, organic way for many people to cope with the pressures and stresses of modern life, and for some, it can even help with romance. Why not give it a go, and see how aromatherapy can change your life?

Melia Propolis dan Melia Biyang

Melia propolis dikumpulkan oleh lebah dari tumbuh-tumbuhan atau pucuk muda dan kulit pohon terutama pohon poplar lalu dicampurkan dgn air liurnya, yang digunakan untuk menambal lubang dalam sarang lebahyg sekaligus juga melindungi sarang lebah dari serangan virus,bakteri dan Jamur.

Kandungan Propolis: Asam amino, vitamin2, Bioflavonoids

Fungsi Propolis bagi tubuh manusia adalah:
1. Antibiotik alami
2. Meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh
3. Anti kanker
4. Nutri yang bergizi tinggi

Propolis berguna utk penyembuhan penyakit:
1. Batuk,asthma,Bronchitis,Paru2, sinusitis,flu,demam.sakit kepala
2. Luka benda tajam,luka bakar(infeksi)
3. Infeksi kewanitaan
4. Herpes,Penyakit kulit serta Jamur
5. Jerawat, Bisul
6. Infeksi kulit, Telinga,gigi
7. Wasir, Ambeien
8. Kanker,tumor,gangguan jantung,ginjal,hati dan Diabetes(kencingmanis)
9. Darah tinggi,darah rendah
10. Hepatitis/liver
11. Asam urat,rematik
12. Radiasi
13. stres,Parkinson
14. Gangguan pencernaan, maag

Melia Biyang/Melia HGH

kegunaanya sebagai Ramuan alami yang berfunsi untuk merangsang kelenjar pituitary agar terus memproduksi hormon pertumbuhan, sehingga terjadi perbaikan sistem metabolisme tubuh,regenerasi sel, maka akan terjadi Pembalikan usia biologis, serta juga meningkatkan aktivitas seksual serta stamina, dan juga meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh.

Kandungan Melia Biyang:
1. Kolostrum susu awal
2. Vitamin B kompleks
3. Asam Amino

1. Meningkatkan daya ingat
2. Menambah stamina fisik dan mental
3. Meningkatkan kemampuan seksualitas
4. Mempercepat proses penyembuhan dan meningkatkan imunitas
5. Membantu penyembuhan darah tinggi/stroke
6. Meningkatkan sistem metabolisme
7. meningkatkan kekuatan tulang
8. membantu mengembalikan warna rambut dan pertumbuhannya
9. Merangsang Organ2 tubuh yg vital: Jantung,hati,pankreas,limpa dan ginjal

Using Gout Remedies

Gout affects a growing number worldwide with chronic inflammatory arthritis. Originally less common than it is now, the lifestyle of the modern world combined with the availability of foods that contribute to gout has led to more people having the disease.

If an individual has gout, this means that they typically suffer from chronic arthritis brought about by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. These crystals are formed within the body because of high levels of uric acid in the blood, which is in turn caused by several factors, which include genetic predisposition, food intake and lifestyle.

Arthritis attacks brought on by gout can vary in intensity, but is often chronic, lasting for days at a time. Without treatment, this can lead to constant pain, and eventually permanent damage that the body cannot recover from.

There are a number of ways to treat gout, though the most common method is to deal with the current arthritis attack. Pain relief is possible through the use of a variety of anti-inflammatory medications and painkillers; should the person with gout choose, there are also more natural methods and gout remedies that can relieve the pain and lessen inflammation.

Whichever specific gout remedy is used to deal with the gouty arthritis, the next step to treatment is to deal with the heightened levels of uric acid. Making sure the levels of uric acid are more normal is vital, in order to prevent future arthritic attacks. Even modern medicine recommends natural methods of doing this, through the use of diet and lifestyle modification to remove sources of uric acid, and encourage more efficient removal of excess uric acid in the blood.

In some cases conventional medicine may prescribe medication to allow the uric acid levels to go down sooner, though this method is only prescribed for more extreme cases. Aside from medication, there are also natural gout remedies that are able to help reduce the levels of uric acid in the blood. These can be used in conjunction with the previously mentioned changes to diet and lifestyle that are recommended to people with gout.

Those with gout may also choose to combine both conventional and alternative natural methods and gout remedies to manage their gout. Generally speaking, natural gout remedies are safe to be combined with conventional medications, though it is still best to get advice from your medical practitioner before doing so.

by: Meredith Walker

Jumat, 16 Maret 2012

Katarak Tidak Bisa Dicegah, Kenali Gejala Awalnya | Dokter Sehat

Katarak Tidak Bisa Dicegah, Kenali Gejala Awalnya | Dokter Sehat

How to Avoid Foot Injuries

Just like the laws of engineering, every structure in the body has a breaking point.
For the body, every bone, ligament, tendon and muscle will also have its own breaking point. Again, bones being the strongest part of the body, it makes sense to use them to their full capacity. Take note, however, these bones are subject to incredible stress and strain, and it's not uncommon to see athletes with stress fractures.

The down side to bones is they take a very long time to heel and adapt. This is assuming they are fed the right ingredients along the way. It is critical that with any form of running and intense exercise, the bones receive adequate nutrients - gained from a good diet.

Often we see and hear of individuals taking forever to heal. When investigated further, it is often due to a poor eating plan/diet, subsequently there is a drastic shortage of vital building blocks for repair, therefore delaying and making it sometimes near impossible for adequate repair to take place.

You see, the body isn't very hard to fix, once you have the right ingredients and system in place.
I sometimes find people understand better when I say it's much like trying to build a house, it's near impossible to build a house without the bricks and mortar that hold it together. Trust me, I could go further with this analogy, but for the sake of simplicity I'll continue on.

Back to the breaking point, as you know, tissue can 'break' for a number of reasons. Generally speaking, bone can be compacted, fatigued or bent, while ligaments, tendons and muscle can be over stretched or torn.

For the sake of explanation, I'll use rubber bands as an analogy.

NOTE: this may come off a tad offensive to some individuals sensitive about their age, and technically there are many more variables involved, but I'll generalize for now.

Imagine you have a fresh new rubber band (much like a healthy fit teenage athlete), compare that to an old dried up rubber band (you can guess which the later refers to).

Now, obviously there are many differences, but in this context we are particularly concerned with the breaking points of the two.

That is, the new rubber band is very strong and flexible, therefore has a high breaking point, while the old is proportionally weaker and more vulnerable to breaking.

So the point is you must take into consideration your current state of ability, as some physical states are obviously in a more vulnerable position to break and result in injury.

The good news is, however, that regardless of your age, fortunately we can change this 'braking point'. No doubt you would have heard of the benefits of weight training, stretching and good diet etc on tissue strength. An individual can significantly improve not only strength but performance, as long as they go about their training in a sensible manner, that is, not over do themselves and keep the stress below the individuals 'breaking point'.

So what would be your breaking point?

Well, there are many indicators, not just pain. What people fail to realize is that we can still cause a great deal of stress to our tissues in the absence of pain.

A loss of normal function is very common. For example, running up a hill and perceiving your legs are not quite performing the way they normally would, odds are you've pushed the tissues involved too far and you'll likely know about it in a couple days.

With that in mind the common leg pain we receive a couple of days after a hard training or race (referred to as 'delayed onset muscle soreness' or D.O.M.S.) is precisely this. During the activity we are partially tearing the tissues, often without any major signs or symptoms. Only to find a notable discomfort while the body slowly goes about repairing this damage.

Here's a great little check-list to help prevent injury:
Allowing your body adequate recovery through rest and enough healthy food.
Not training when you feel drained or injured (listen to your body)
Not doing too much high intensity training (at least in the beginning)
Running in appropriate footwear (check the running shoe section)
Avoid too much firm ground (as takes huge toll on bones and tissues)
Ensure functional warms ups and cool downs, especially in winter.
Mix up your training (mix high intensity with low intensity e.g. hills one day, easy run the next).
I want you to realize and experience the joys of running, I find nothing worse than watching fellow competitors and casual runners complain or struggle with injury

Mr Conan Dickie
Principal Podiatrist
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Ways to make your skin healthy

The primary step to keeping your skin healthy is preventing damage. Pollutants, air, sun as well as by just natural aging can certainly mortify the form of your skin. Frequent grumbles incorporate dry along with itchy skin, sagging, wrinkles, color alterations, together with age spots. Luckily, there are various methods that you can readily apply in order to maintain a healthy skin, feeling and looking at its most excellent appearance.

Keeping yourself fit, having enough rest, as well as getting healthy diet can set the basis for fine-looking and vigorous complexion. Moreover, a proper diet is not only the excellent way in attaining good health in general but it as well assists you to guarantee that your skin will get all of the vitamins and minerals, along with the nutrients that it requires to preserve and fix itself.

Another way to keep your skin healthy is to apply the right skin care products to your skin. The best anti aging skincare products that can aid you to hydrate the skin are now available at your favorite skin care product store online. Having a clean skin by using the best skin cleanser is also a great way of preventing skin damages.

One of the most essential ways to protect your skin is to keep it away from the harmful rays of the sun. Ultraviolet radiation harms the skin as well as it can result to wrinkles, premature aging, age spots or even cancer as well. An individual should really get further preventative measures in order to be certain that his or her skin is not totally exposed under the harmful rays of the sun. Do not fail to remember that one should apply a natural sunscreen, or a moisturizer that includes sunscreen (with minimum of SPF 15) every day. Although, it does not mean that you should not go out at all during the day, as if you are like a nocturnal creature. Your skin also needs some sunlight every day. A 10 to 15 exposures at sunrise or sunset will be alright.

In addition to that, a variety of fine skin care products such as an all natural moisturizer is one of the essential components for a vigorous complexity. Keep on moisturizing all through the day to keep your sensitive skin vigorous. Your hands as well as your face is especially vulnerable to everyday dent, and might require it to be moisturized further.
by: Chloe park-